Thursday, December 15, 2016

First Grade Gingerbread Exchange

1st grade classrooms from Middleton, Boxford and Topsfield are working together on a fun-filled collaborative project- The  first annual Tritown Gingerbread Exchange! Students were responsible for creating and decorating a gingerbread person to send on a journey from school to school.  As a class, we wrote a letter to each participating classroom that included information about things we like to do throughout our school day and what makes our class unique!  Speaking of unique, each gingerbread person certainly has its own unique design and character.  We sure are a creative bunch here in 1-Thomson!

Gingerbread People in the Making

Our packages are on their way to their destinations, and some have already arrived!  We can't wait to receive some gingerbread people and letters in return!
 Check out more updates and pictures of the project on Twitter with #TTUGingerbreadExchange

free glitter text and family website at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Thomson's 1st Graders,

    We have loved this gingerbread exchange project too! It has been so fun getting letters and gingerbread people from other 1st graders in towns right near us. We love how different all your gingerbread people came out. Very creative. Looking forward to getting more packages this week.

    Miss Klipfel's 1st Graders
