Sunday, May 15, 2016

More Student Readers

As we enter our final month of school, there are many exciting things to celebrate!  First graders have accomplished many great things this year as students and learners, but one thing we really like to show off is our reading!  We've worked hard all year and now we are reading for pleasure, reading to learn, and sharing our reading with others.  This week, five more student readers shared a favorite read-aloud with the class!
Keep up the GREAT reading!
-Mrs. Thomson

Friday, May 6, 2016

Student Readers

 The students in 1-Thomson have been practicing how to read aloud with fluency and expression.  To practice this, they are given the opportunity to take over as teacher for a few minutes to read a favorite "just-right" book to the class.  It is truly amazing to see the reading transformation all the students have undergone since September.  Here are some of our readers in action!

Stay tuned for more student readers to come!

-Mrs. Thomson