This month, reading has been all about nonfiction. Students have been exploring texts full of facts and information. We've learned that this genre has special features - table of contents, photographs with labels and captions, keywords, maps, and glossaries - that help us understand the information we're learning.
This past week, we were penguin fact finders! We loved learning about these adorable creatures. Using nonfiction texts and their features, along with iPads for research, we gathered interesting facts about these birds. We created a rookery, or colony, of penguin facts!
We even watched penguins live and in action using the California Academy of Sciences Penguin Cam. Click
here to watch from home!
Common Core Standard: RI.1.5 Reading: Informational Text Craft and Structure- Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text
Love those penguins!🐧- Dr. Creeden