Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reader's Workshop: Visualizing

This past week during Reader's Workshop, we learned some more about what "good readers do".  Our focus was creating mental images, or visualizing to better understand text.  We started by reading some poetry and practicing "making a movie in our mind".  We discussed sensory imagery, or words that appeal to our senses.
Next, we read the poem "Green Giant"by Jack Prelutsky.  We closed our eyes and imagined the Green Giant based on the author's description.
  As we read, the students drew their mental images on paper.  It was so fun to see the different versions of the Green Giant-some big, some small, some happy, and some scary too!  This lead us to realize that our imaginations can take us to different places and no two people make the exact some movie in their mind!  Click below to see some of 1-Thomson's Green Giants! 

Common Core State Standard: RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
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  1. Those drawing are great!!!! What a talented class :)

  2. Hi Mrs. Thomson & First Graders,

    I love your Green Giants! Thanks for sharing this fun lesson with us to help with our visualizing. We created some pretty fun Green Giants too. You'll have to stop by and see them hanging up in our classroom. Great work!

    Miss Klipfel & Class
