Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If I Had a Pet Turkey...

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, last week was Turkey Week in 1-Thomson!  To kick things off, we read a nonfiction book about turkeys: "All About Turkeys" by Jim Arnosky.  We gathered facts and completed a turkey "can, have, are" chart.  Did you know turkeys can fly as fast as 50 mph and that females lay as many as 18 large eggs at once?! 
After learning a bit more about these interesting birds, the students used their imaginations to visualize what life would be like living with a PET turkey!  Using transition words and descriptive sentences, we wrote amusing stories about our imaginary pet turkeys while focusing on the following questions: What would your pet turkey look like?  What would your pet turkey eat? Where would your pet turkey sleep at night?  What would you do with your pet turkey for fun? The answers to these questions were very creative!  Please enjoy our class movie to see what life would be like with a pet turkey...
Click here to listen to our pet turkeys :)

Happy Thanksgiving!
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  1. This is Alia's mom. So adorable.

    P.S. The turkey is not sleeping in my room. ��

    Dear Miss Thomson I loved the post and my turkey would sleep in my mom's room. From Alia��!!

  2. 1-T, your talking turkeys are terrific! Great work.
