Saturday, September 20, 2014

Building Number Bonds

What is a Number Bond?

Each day begins with our math calendar routine and our Math in Focus lesson for the day.  We are currently practicing number bonds.  The children have been building numbers to ten and breaking them into parts in several different ways.  We have built bonds using scales, connecting cubes, teddy bears, and even pumpkins!  Ask your child to show you some number bonds at home. They are almost number bond experts!
Practice number bonds using the mathszone website:

Number Bond Example


  1. Ryan came home very excited about his classroom's blog. We are having SO much fun with it! We also love seeing the pictures! Thank you for creating this great tool.
    -Carrie & Ryan Richardson

  2. Colin and I read through all the blogs today (I keep forgetting to check it out!!!). Colin told me how much he loves learning new ways to do number bonds - using scales!!!
